Bangabandhu, a Name of Literature

Bangabandhu, you are the greatest of all literature
When we read you,
We don’t find a single view.
We always find something new.

We find all ism
Like patriotism, humanism, nationalism, socialism, secularism and so on,
That all are combined in Mujibism
Like a literary creator,
You created historical text;
Bangladesh, an independent country

You‘re the poet of politics,
You‘re the poet of spirit,
You’re poet of endless inspiration,
And father of Bengali Nation.

You‘ve endless essence:
Outwardly you‘re a general person,
But inwardly you‘re with all virtues in a unique combination.

In literature what a poetic language you used,
That we find in The Unfinished ‘Memoirs’ and ‘Prison Diary’:
‘This Time the Struggle for Emancipation
This Time the Struggle for Independence’.

Really you’re a name of unique Bengal Solidarity.
That’s why, for centuries we can’t but be mesmerized
Now the world knows how
You‘ve taught us to survive
To stand, to seek but not to yield,
And not to be suppressed.

You spent 13 golden years in prison,
We know for why?
For a specific reason,
For us to achieve a life of dignity,
To fetch a long expected sovereignty.

Whenever we read you,
We always find new things to view.
Love you, love you,
Want to read more about you.

Written by

Md. Rubel Parvez

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